Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day five!!

Hola otra vez (other time)!  First, last night we went to Café Journal for our second Chilean night life experience.  A friend of our respective Chilean students came up to me, Allison and Caren thinking we spoke only Spanish.  He was obviously wrong and he only spoke Spanish.  I tried out my Spanish once again, but it was so loud in there.  I feel he was speaking really slowly, but I was really nervous.  A conversation occurred though, but Chileans are not as good at respecting personal space.  They always give everyone a “beso” (kiss) on each other’s right cheek.  This morning, though, we left at 8:30 to take another public bus to the University.  Now we know our way around most of the campus.  I don’t know if I ever said but the Chilean universities do not have any dormitories or campus living; all the students live with their parents (if they live close enough) or they live on their own.  So, we had lectures at the university about Chilean cultural differences in everything and business.  We also learned about and watched the Chilean advertisements, music and dance. This was really interesting and entertaining because we are learning a different culture.  Also, we always take a break during the lectures and have snacks.  There are differences between Chilean snacks and American snacks.  The dorritos, miniature cupcakes, cookies and chocolate are different than in the “states” which is what the rest of the world calls America; just to let you know!  Then after the lectures we had lunch at the University.  Lunch was a salad with lemon juice dressing, rice, fresh fish, bread (always “pan”) and pop.  İMuy delicioso!  Ahora, andíamos un autobus por trienta minutos para ir a la empresa los bosques de mauco (Now, we rode a private bus for thirty minutes to go to the Nature’s farm company). At this company we saw the whole production and steps to growing mushrooms.  I have learned more than enough about how they create the most efficient mulch/food for the mushrooms plus the smell was just completely awful! However, this company was interesting though plus it was on the coast, so the bus ride was beautiful!  I can never take enough pictures of the ocean, palm trees and mountains!  We came back to the university in Valparaiso to have a snack because the Chileans do not eat dinner until 9pm or 10pm.  Basically, Chileans only eat Lunch and a few snacks.   I tried to order my snack at the University and all the Chilean students ask us if we are Americans. We Americans are just problems when we travel abroad.  Anyways, I tried to order a Gatorade and they didn’t understand me.  There is no Spanish equivalent and plus that’s what it says on the label.  So, a Chilean student behind me said Gatorade with a slight Spanish accent and the cashier understood.  J It sounded the same to me, but I guess my American accent is too thick.  After that, we had our last dance class. Today was Reggeton again.  I really enjoy this dance especially since I have a whole dance memorized because it gets stuck in my head. I will definitely have to teach people when I return to the “states”.  J Pues, también un día en este viaje trataré en español por cuatro horas (Well, also one day on this trip I will try to speak in Spanish for four hours).  I think I can do it because lately I have spoken without hesitation, but it is hard for me to have a Spanish conversation and transition back to English and Spanish.  Adios hasta mañana (goodbye until tomorrow)!

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