Friday, May 18, 2012

Day thirteen-the last day!!

Today was the last day in Chile! This is so sad, but at the same time I am excited to go back to the states.  It is so strange to call back home the states.  Anyways, I woke up earlier with two other girls so we could go get another Chilean pastry for the last time.  We tried a new “pasteleria” (pastry place) and I bought a miniature apple pie.  This tasted really good! Then, we explored some more around Vina del mar (the city where our hotel was located) and found a café that had Chilean hot chocolate.  I had this a few days ago and wanted to drink it again in order to complete my journey.  Once again, this hot chocolate tasted amazing!  We just walked around the streets for a little longer seeing fresh fruits being sold, vendors, stray dogs, American shops and sidewalks flesh with streets.  When we returned to the hotel, we had to pack unfortunately.  Everything was stuffed to the maximum.  As a whole group, we ate lunch at the restaurant we ate at on our first night of being in Chile.  Our journey has come full circle.  I had a chicken sandwich with avocado, tomato, lettuce and a fried egg.  This was huge, but pretty good.  Then, we left our room and hotel for the last timeand boarded the bus to the Santiago airport which was about an hour and a half to two hour ride. Side note: I feel as if on this whole trip I have eaten and tried to sleep during any point where there was free time.  However, the sleeping was not always successful.  Anyways, we finally got to the airport, got everything situated and waited to board the plane.  This will be the last blog of my journey. I hope you the reader has enjoyed my adventures!  Chile will always be a special place in my heart and life!  Adios!

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